Can You View a Webdite Without Uploading It

9. 1. 2018

In these modern times we live in, owning a website is a no-brainer. Although many have spoken well-nigh the importance of owning a website, in this article I will illustrate that this is not the case every bit you can take advantage of Facebook's Store Section.

If you lot are a Page owner, Facebook provides you with the ability to create an "eshop" and sell your products correct from your Facebook Page. Owning a website isn't a requirement to fully employ this feature but I will be going through the pros and cons of having a website in addition to creating a shop on your Facebook Page.

Yous don't need to create a website if:

  1. Your audience is primarily on Facebook.
  2. Yous cannot afford the toll.
  3. You are not sure it is worth the risk.

Simply, on the other hand you need to create a website if:

  1. You want to exist establish online. We live in a digital world, and inevitably potential clients volition search for information virtually you or your products/services online.
  2. Yous want to avoid limitations, rules or conditions enforced my third party sites, such as Facebook.
  3. You want full buying to the leads you will be attaining and further capitalise your fanbase.
  4. Y'all want to explore other channels and drive traffic to your store.

Getting started with a Shop Section on your Facebook Page

Get to your Facebook Page and head over to the Settings. Annotation that you need to be an administrator on the page!

In the instance that you lot cannot locate information technology, as in the screenshot, you tin add it every bit a tab by going to the Settings of your Page.

Coil at the end of the folio and click on the Add a Tab push. One time you add together it, yous tin can re-arrange the tabs to your liking and then you can make it appear in the desired position.

On the left side of your Page cull the newly added Shop tab. Cheque the "I agree to the Seller's Terms and Policies." button – be sure to go over them as at that place are specialCustomer Support Policy andDelivery, Return and Dispute Policy that you need to comply with.

Adjacent, you will be given two options on how you want people to purchase products from our shop. Choose whichever suits y'all best. I will be choosing the Message to Buy choice every bit I don't desire to ship people to checkout on some other website.

Next, y'all need to ready the currency. This is not something that you lot can change easily so be sure to choose wisely.

That'south it! In only nether a minute you created your eshop! Now, you lot demand to upload photos, descriptions and prices for your products.

Good to know before uploading product info to your Facebook eastward-store

Regarding your images, they shouldn't incorporate:

  1. Text (ex: calls to action, promo codes)
  2. Offensive content (ex: nudity, explicit language, violence)
  3. Advertising or promotional cloth
  4. Watermarks
  5. Time-sensitive information (ex: limited time price drops)

Description-wise, they should:

  1. Provide only information straight related to the product
  2. Be digestible (ex: make use of brusk sentences and/or bulleted lists)
  3. Highlight unique product features
  4. Be grammatically correct and properly punctuated

In the case that your products have more that i options (different size, colour, flavour, material or whatsoever other aspect) you should utilise the variant feature. When doing so you should have the following in heed:

  1. No more than than four variants for a product
  2. Don't use abbreviations for variants (ex: write "Big" instead of "L")
  3. Use variants instead of listing 1 product multiple times

Adding products

The procedure of adding products to your Facebook e-store is pretty easy and straightforward.

Name: Enter the name of your production or service.

Price: Add the price. In the case that there'south a discount you can permit people know by utilising the "This product is on auction" selection.

Description: Add a brusk clarification.

Share this production on your page: If you are introducing a new product or service this choice tin be ideal.

Inventory: Use this to reflect the current status of your product, if applicative.

Edit pick inventory: Here yous can enter different sizes, colours etc for you lot products along with their prices and inventory info.

Visibility: Choose the appropriate option based on whether y'all desire a certain selection to exist visible or not to the public.

Delete product: This option deletes a product from your shop.

In the instance that you desire to brand the photograph of the production visually appealing, you tin can cull to edit it past hovering over the desired photo and clicking on the "brush".

Here you tin use filters, stickers or ingather them to brand tailor the photo to your liking. You lot can also use a an alt text for the visually dumb.

Once you are washed, click "Save".

Each product you add needs to be processed but it won't accept more than few minutes.  Yous will get a notification when it's done and it's visible to the public.

Organising your products into collections

In one case you are washed with uploading your products to your e-shop you can organise them using Collections. Collection are bang-up fashion to grouping your products and arrive easier for your customers to browse through your products and notice what they are looking for. Past default, the "Featured Products" collection is created. This can be peachy for your all-time selling products. A Drove features no more than ten products.

In social club to create a collection:

  1. Head over to the Shop section on your Page.
  2. Click on the gear button.
  3. Click "Manage Store".
  4. Click on the "Collections" option.
  5. Click "Add Collection".
  6. Enter a name and choose visibility
  7. Choose the products you want to include in your Collection.
  8. Click "Salvage"

Take in listen that you lot can only have 1 featured drove.

Testing your Shop

Now that you have uploaded your products and created your first Collection, we tin can test our Shop. To practice so, hover over your Page's button (Shop At present) and click on test button.

Hither you lot can see a preview of what your potential customers will be seeing. You will be also viewing a summary on how many views or messages were sent for that specific product.

In the case that you'd like to delete your store, this can be easily done past following the below steps:

  1. Click theShop tab
  2. Click the dropdown and selectDelete shop
  3. Click theDelete Shop push button

Take in mind that y'all will non exist asked to ostend your choice and so make sure you won't delete it past accident!

Viewing your e-shop's performance

If people can send your Folio letters most the products in your shop, you can arrange a payment method with your customers, such as a bank transfer or cash on delivery. This applies to all non-US Pages. If you are a US Page and you let people check out from your Facebook Page Stripe or PayPal will transfer the payment to your bank account when you marking the order shipped.

Hither, yous tin can also delete or edit products to alter the price or condition in the inventory.

Sharing your eshop

Y'all can encourage visits from potential customers past sharing the link of your Shop. To do so:

  1. Click on the shop section of your Facebook Page.
  2. Click on the gear push button.
  3. Click on the Copy Direct Link.
  4. Share the link with the people you desire to visit the Store Department on your Page.

Raising awareness and creating engagement for your Shop

When posting a Facebook Postal service to your Folio's timeline you tin can choose to tag your products on your photo or video. This helps them identify the displayed products and helps make your post relevant to them and increase date.

In order to tag a photo you:

  1. Open your mail and hover over the photo
  2. Click the "Tag Products" icon
  3. Cull the product you want to tag and start typing in the product'due south name
  4. Click "Washed Tagging" one time washed.

Collections vs. post tagged with products

Although Collections and posts with tagged products may look very similar at that place are some cardinal differences that you lot ought to know.

Collections Posts with tagged products
Created in Ads Manager Created in your Facebook  Page
Available only on Mobile Newsfeed placement Bachelor on both mobile and desktop devices
Is paired with traffic, conversions, catalogue sales or store visit objectives Not paired with any objective

Promoting your Store with Facebook Ads

Ane of the biggest limitations that Facebook poses on your Shop department is that y'all cannot promote information technology with Facebook Ads. This is the reason why they aren't paired with any Campaign Objective. Boosting tagged posts isn't an selection either as "Facebook doesn't recommend it since this feature isn't actually meant for advertizement". This is why complementing you existing east-shop as opposed to just having a Shopping Section would be considered the all-time option.

Although not beingness able to promote is a big downside, owing a Shop on Facebook can help yous boost the ROI of your Facebook page. This is true for Pages with big engaged fan-base.

If you want to further capitalise on the insights from your store to human action upon be sure to check your Shop's production operation. Cheque for signals like the products that have received a high number of views or fifty-fifty messages and create single paradigm or carousel ads with them.

Getting the nearly out of the shop section

  1. Create a folio Username and then that information technology will be easier for your potential customers t o find you.
  2. Exist certain to respond in a timely manner. Furthermore, apply the messenger possibilities given to Page Owners.
  3. Share the products on your Folio timeline. Sharing a newly added production on your Page timeline tin help raise awareness for that product.
  4. Invite your customers to exit their ratings and/or reviews of your store to help build your shop'south social proof.
  5. Encourage your fans to subscribe to your shop and so they go notifications whenever you add new products.

In Business Factory, I work as a Facebook Marketing specialist helping both Czech and international clients to raise their Facebook advertizing efforts. For you lot, I wearable my data-spectacles and creative ideas-hat and share with you the tips, suggestions and tutorials that will assistance you footstep upward your Facebook marketing game.



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